
J Charity T-shirt

I am not currently an active member of the online Luna Sea community, though some may remember me from way back in the day. For those who don't know, I've lived and worked in Tokyo for nearly six years now, and chances are if you've been to a J live, etc. here in that time, you have seen me. I'm not going to go into much detail about the current situation with the earthquake and tsunami, as I'm sure most people reading this already know what has/is happening in Japan at the moment and are aware of the importance of getting aid to those who need it up in Tohoku.

J has announced that he will be offering a charity T-shirt to help raise money for disaster relief. All proceeds will go to the Japanese Red Cross. The price for the shirt is ¥3000 and the deadline for ordering is 4/13/2011.

I am willing to purchase and resend shirts to anyone interested.

Check here for details of the shirt, including sizing.

Shirts should be printed and shipped out from FC Pyro around the end of April, though this is subject to change.

For my own sanity, I will be asking for about $60 US through paypal to cover the cost for the shirt, packaging, shipping, and any bank/exchange rate fees that apply (the exact amount may change later depending on location, fluctuations in the exchange rate, etc.). Payment must be verified by 4/5 at the latest. Any money leftover once these fees are accounted for I will donate directly to the Japanese Red Cross myself. Please contact me at jcharityshirt at gmail dot com if you are interested. I will compile a list of those who contact me and place an order close to the deadline.
  • Current Location
  • thond


i don't know how much of this is old news for you, but i'm bored, so here's a small update.

somebody already posted the new PV - for those who can't watch it due to avex blocking access, here's a youku link.

also, J just got a twitter account! according to the profile text, he'll be posting photos and comments and the staff will be providing news. the thought of J using a confuses me. XD'' looks like he'll be tweeting in english and japanese, go add him!

next to the usual tv and radio appearances for the upcoming album he'll also be a guest at bayfm power countdown on february 5th, around 4pm japanese time. i'm highlighting this one because they will have a ustream live broadcast, so check it out.


Hi!!! I watched J on ROCK IN JAPAN 2010 festival.

This festival J sing Feel your blaze.

Anyone have this archive????

On TS (25GB) is deleted part 24 (part 3 of 3). This problem break J song

Thank you very much!!!!